
how do i find all my gmail accounts

Present, an average person in the U.s. has 70-80 online accounts. Some of these we use daily, others – once (10 years ago). The ability to sign into various services using your Google or Facebook account has made the state of affairs worse. At present, you don't need whatever effort to create hundreds of throwaway accounts!

So why is it of import to continue tabs on your online accounts?

Well, for 1 thing, accounts mean all sorts of data, some of information technology sensitive – you don't desire it in the wrong easily! So, in this article, we'll discuss how to notice all accounts linked to your email and revoke those you don't wish to be linked. Moreover, we'll share some additional tips on staying private online.

Unlink Your E-mail, Social Media & Browser Accounts to Protect Privacy video screenshot

Why is finding linked accounts important?

Identifying accounts that are linked to our email is necessary for protecting our personal data. Here are the main reasons why you should spend time to find all accounts linked to your electronic mail:

  1. To heighten your privacy. Every bit the number of information breaches increases daily, doing all you can to stay individual is non-negotiable. This includes identifying the accounts that are linked to your email, and deleting some of them if needed.
  2. To avoid unnecessary money spending. Say, years ago you signed up for a photo editing program, and stopped using it almost immediately. Despite that, you are charged monthly for that service. While the amount of money may not seem large eventually it adds upwardly. Taking care of such subscriptions will prevent you from wasting coin.

Now, let's take a look at what steps you lot could take to enhance your safety.

How to observe all electronic mail accounts in my proper noun?

There are several different ways you can detect the accounts that are linked to your electronic mail account. Take a look at the most reliable ones.

one. Find accounts linked to your electronic mail

The ways to find the accounts linked to your email may differ depending on which email platform you employ. Here, we'll discuss two of the most pop ones – Gmail and Outlook.

To find all the linked accounts, Gmail users will have to complete the post-obit steps:

  1. Click your Google Account button at the tiptop-right
  2. Click Manage your Google Account
  3. On the left menu, choose Security
  4. Scroll down to Google apps with business relationship address and click Manage access
  5. Scroll down to the very lesser to edit Password Managing director and Linked Accounts
password management screenshot

Here you'll exist able to run into all the websites that you login to with your Google Account. Yous'll also find a list of Google apps that have access to your Google Account. Review it carefully, and remove the no longer needed ones.

For Outlook users the process is equally follows:

  1. Sign in to your Outlook account on your browser
  2. On the top right, click the Settings cogwheel
  3. On the bottom right, choose View all Outlook settings
  4. Click Sync e-mail on the second column
  5. On the tertiary column, notice Manage your connected accounts section
  6. Review all the linked accounts – Edit, Remove, or Refresh

2. Check the accounts linked to your social media accounts

You tin can also find the accounts linked to your electronic mail past checking your social media accounts. Doing so is key if, say, your Facebook is attached to third-political party services that crave your permission to see your contact listing or contact details.

By identifying accounts linked to your social media profiles, you tin can manage them more wisely, and revoke access to those that are potentially harmful to your privacy. Let'due south see how to do that on the nigh pop social media sites.

Facebook users can find the linked accounts by completing these steps:

  1. Click your Account icon at the tiptop correct
  2. Choose Settings & Privacy and and so Settings
  3. Click on Apps
  4. On the left menu, choose Apps and Websites
  5. To revoke admission, tick the box next to your called app and click Remove
facebook apps and websites screenshot

If you're on Twitter, complete these steps:

  1. On the top left menu, choose More than
  2. Click on Settings and privacy
  3. In the third column, choose Apps and Sessions
  4. Review all the apps linked to your Twitter business relationship, and if needed, remove them

For LinkedIn users, the steps are equally follows:

  1. On the superlative right, click Me icon
  2. Choose Settings & Privacy
  3. In the top menu, select Account > Partners and services
  4. Review the list of all 3rd-party services
  5. To remove admission, click Remove

If you lot utilise Instagram, you'll have to complete the following steps:

  1. Click your profile icon at the tiptop right
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Click Authorized Apps on the left
  4. To remove admission, click Remove

3. Check your browser

To find linked accounts, you can likewise cheque your browser for saved accounts. Let'south see how to do that on Google Chrome and Firefox.

Chrome users should complete the following steps:

  1. Click Customize and control Google Chrome at the height-right corner
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Click on Motorcar-fill
  4. Click on Passwords
chrome saved passwords tab

In this window, y'all'll be able to see all the passwords that your Chrome browser remembers. This is the place where you can remove the passwords you no longer wish to stay in your browser.

To identify linked accounts, Firefox users need to:

  1. Get to Options
  2. Click on Privacy & Security
  3. Roll to Login and Passwords
  4. Click on Saved Logins

If you follow the steps higher up, you'll be able to remove the passwords you no longer want to be saved on your Firefox browser.

We highly recommend y'all delete them all as keeping passwords in your browser is not safe. Equally an culling, consider using a reliable password manager.

4. Searching through your emails

In that location is some other way to find all the linked accounts, and that's by looking through the emails in your mailbox.

To go far easier, try typing in the near common words to find the linked accounts:

  • Verification
  • Subscription
  • Activate
  • Confirm
  • Welcome
  • Unsubscribe

You lot tin can too type in your username in the search bar. Go along in mind, though, that this step may give you a larger event list, and nigh of the results will non be relevant.

Various studies observe that the average person in the U.S. has around 100-150 online accounts linked to an email address. Managing all those login credentials without compromising security can be tough! Luckily, a countersign managing director tin can aid - we recommend NordPass, which is currently bachelor with a 53% discount!

Go NordPass

Can you detect the accounts linked to your phone?

The bad news is that finding accounts linked to your phone number is not piece of cake, as there is no database where you could exist looking to find them.

More often than not, you know that certain apps or websites use your phone number when you receive a recovery request. Therefore, whenever you get some kind of confirmation text bulletin, make certain it's from an app or website you actually use.

Bank check if your electronic mail has been hacked

As our information is the new currency, it's of import we have good care of it. Ane of the all-time ways to do that is to regularly check whether your about sensitive information ( thousand., your email) is rubber.

To exercise that, y'all can use our data leak check. After entering your email accost, you'll be able to know if your account has been hacked by online fraudsters.

As this tool is completely rubber (meaning, we don't rail and store your data) you tin employ it once in a while for prevention purposes. It volition help you know if an electronic mail accost that you are using is rubber. And if not, what to practice to recover information technology.

Things y'all can practice to protect your online privacy

Once you detect all the linked accounts, brand certain you accept all the necessary steps to protect your online privacy. Some things to consider are as follows:

  • Signing upwards for a secure and encrypted email account.

Ane of the first steps you should have when protecting your online privacy, is opting for an encrypted e-mail business relationship. Doing so will enhance the security of your near sensitive information.

  • Changing your passwords.

Brand sure you update your passwords so that you are not using the aforementioned one on more than two accounts. When creating a password, make sure you include both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

If y'all want to go one step further, consider investing in a high-quality password manager that has a congenital-in password generator.

  • Using password manager.

Choosing a reliable password manager is key when it comes to keeping your credentials protected. Check our guide on the all-time password managers on the market today.

A congenital-in countersign generator volition create the strongest password possible, preventing fraudsters from hacking it.

  • Tracking your activity on your most visited websites and apps.

While this task may seem tedious and time-consuming, it's something y'all should practice one time in a while to foreclose losing your data.

For instance, you tin can bank check your action on Google account by heading to If y'all're on Facebook, you lot can get to your profile, press the 3 dots icon, and click on Activity log.

Bottom line

Altogether, finding all the accounts that are linked to your email is cardinal when it comes to protecting your identity.

You can practice that in various means – starting from looking for linked accounts in your email or social media accounts to checking your browser or the entire mailbox. Whichever way y'all want to choose (or combine), take this process seriously as it protects and strengthens your privacy.

One time you are done with that, make sure you lot take extra steps to enhance your privacy. That includes, strengthening your passwords and keeping them in the password manager, and using an encrypted email account.


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