
william wolf howey

Shameless star Steve Howey andL Give-and-take alum Sarah Shahi appear their divorce on June 29, 2020, xi years later they tied the knot in 2009. The exes share three kids — William Wolf, who was born in July 2009, and twins Violet Moon and Knox Blue, who they welcomed in 2015.

Howey, who starred every bit Van Montgomery onReba for 6 years, previously described how the two managed to stay close amid their many responsibilities as parents."It can be overwhelming," the actor toldPeople in 2016. "Just Sarah and I piece of work really hard at present to schedule workout time together. Or we'll run to the kitchen and practise a tequila shot really fast — but practice something together. Then it's right dorsum into the playroom or changing a diaper."

As for Shahi, she chatted withAdmission Hollywood in July 2019 and joked nigh how they keep the spark alive. That interview wasn't long ago, so how did Shahi and Howey go from tequila shots and a passionate love life to divorce? We reveal the truth about their split below.

Steve Howey and Sarah Shahi are focused on their kids

Steve Howey and Sarah Shahi met in 2004 when Shahi had a guest appearance onReba, perCBS . V years later, they got married and welcomed their first child together, William Wolf. Then came their adorable twins in 2015.

Alas, the couple'south marriage has come up to an end, only the bright side is that these two will always exist there for their kids commencement. "As nosotros enter into this new phase of our lives, our priority will remain co-parenting our children with and then much honey, common respect and friendship," they toldUs Weekly in a joint argument. "And though our relationship is changing, we are committed to continuing our lives every bit a loving family."

AsUs Weekly noted, Shahi filed for divorce in May 2020, citing "irreconcilable differences." The two separated in April 2020, per courtroom docs. Howey and Shahi didn't elaborate on why they carve up, saying they "are so grateful for the by x years together and proud of our children that we've raised."

One possibility for the breakup? Maybe work schedules got in the way. Howey has been busy filming the last season ofShameless ,while Shahi has starred in various projects throughout the years, includingThe Rookie,Persons of Involvement, andSex/Life for Netflix.

Steve Howey and Sarah Shahi'due south matrimony went through a rough patch

It seems like their work schedules actually might have been the affair to break the couple up. Per a 2016 interview Steve Howey did with Talk Nerdy To Us, that struggle actually helped him with his acting. Howey said at the time, "I helped the storyline with Kev because of my own experience. My wife and I were like any other couple. All of our time was for each other. We would go on vacation, we'd have water ice foam, we'd get to a picture, we'd do whatever we wanted to do. And so when nosotros had the kids, it was really tough, all of that went away."

He added, "And likewise we're both working actors, and then we were very tired, and when we'd come back, if there was whatsoever energy left it was for the kids, and non for each other. And then we experienced that, I mean information technology almost bankrupt u.s. upwards. Nosotros didn't really sympathise why, we merely weren't liking each other and we realized that things weren't the same and it was really messed upwards. Because it was hard and nosotros weren't used to it." Since working and so much "almost" broke them upwardly in the past, information technology's very possible it posed a long-term strain on their love life.

Steve Howey compared his matrimony to Kevin and Veronica'south on 'Shameless'

Information technology's always sad when a couple starts to drift away from each other. Likely even worse when you accept to go to work and play out your own marital problems on camera with your Goggle box married woman. In 2016, Steve Howey told Talk Nerdy With U.s. that's exactly what he had to do during off-time in his marriage on the ready of Shameless.

When his character Kevin had babies with his partner Veronica, things got a lilliputian out of whack for the usually very close couple. Same thing apparently happened with Howey and his now ex-wife Sarah Shahi off-screen. He connected in the interview, "I learned from a lot of experiences with my own family. So, when Veronica final season is proverb, you know, 'nosotros need to talk about united states,' and Kev's like 'the babies are crying,' and she'due south like 'just let them cry, we demand to talk.' There was a lot of that in my ain life and so I think it wasn't just a scene, it was personal."

Howey said, "As an actor, you don't have to have the experience of the character, obviously. You don't accept to murder somebody to know what it's similar to murder somebody in the scene. Yous can estimate as much as you tin can, only for that I knew exactly what they were talking most." Kinda lamentable, right?

Whatsoever might take happened, we wish both Howey and Shahi the best going forward.

Sarah Shahi is now dating her Sex activity/Life co-star

Since announcing her divorce from "Shameless" star Steve Howey in the summer of 2020, Sarah Shahi has reportedly been dating her co-star from Netflix's "Sex/Life," Adam Demos. They met on the set of the show, which was filmed in August 2020, just a calendar month after her divorce went public.

She told People that the spark was there from the instant she saw him, which is not surprising given how intense their chemical science is onscreen, too. Shahi said of seeing him in the room, "I said, 'Well, that'due south a alpine drink of water.' When I first met Adam, I was really blown away with him. Nosotros met in the makeup trailer and nosotros just got on instantly."

Shahi has been very public about their romance, going as far as to post cutesy messages to her boo on Instagram. In June 2021, for example, she captioned a picture, proverb that she wasn't sure how the 2 found each other. "Merely I do know I met my soulmate. I practice know I found my forever. I do know I've never loved deeper, harder, more ferociously. I practise know I'm overly grateful for him. I do know I've loved him for a thousand lifetimes earlier and will love him for a grand lifetimes more," she added. If Shahi has moved on already, what about her ex, Howey?

Steve Howey might non be moving on just nonetheless

Although they appear their divorce in May 2020, information technology wasn't finalized until Apr of the side by side yr, per Us Weekly. In that fourth dimension, Sarah Shahi had moved on with her co-star, Adam Demos, but information technology seems like Steve Howey is still single. Or at least, he's not going public with any relationship merely withal.

In their divorce announcement, both Shahi and Howey vowed to remain close for their kiddos: William Wolf, Violet Moon, and Knox Blue. Although kids are the primary focus of her life, Shahi also told Oprah Daily that something inverse in her afterwards condign a mom. And it helped her relate to her "Sex/Life" grapheme.

"There's a lot about Billie that I could chronicle to. I'm a female parent of three kids. Something happens, once yous're in a long-term relationship or become a parent — you human activity as if those desires that yous felt back in the day earlier you lot have kids, you repress them," she said. That seems to have manifested itself in her new relationship. Hopefully, Howey will find a new chapter shortly, also.


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